太入戲 炎亞綸難過被誤解
炎亞綸一直以來與粉絲關係良好,不過正在趕拍「霹靂MIT」的他, 日前卻在網誌上留言:「我不能把心思放在你們身上,我以為你們很聰明會懂…,我自認我的態度從來沒變過,難道我不會有疲倦的時候?」文中透露粉絲無法理解 他拍片時為何態度冷漠,讓溫文儒雅的他,也克制不住衝動,寫下對粉絲的無奈。
目前正在拍攝「霹靂MIT」的炎亞綸,在劇中飾演「詹士 德」,是個個性冷靜壓抑的人,為了能全心投入這個角色,只要拍戲時,炎亞綸幾乎一整天都陷入低調冷漠的情緒中,幾個月以來他都把自己當成是「詹士德」,或 許是因為跟平常炎亞綸對待粉絲的態度有差別,日前有粉絲抱怨炎亞綸對粉絲不理不睬、態度不好、不跟他們聊天、甚至連表情臉色都不好看,粉絲覺得炎亞綸「變 了」。
或許是被粉絲的話傷到,炎亞綸衝動地在無名網誌留下:「聽到一些事,很震驚,也很難過,我跟很多的你們溝通過,沒想到你們這樣解讀 我…,我希望你們能體諒……我自認我的態度從來沒變過,在我心裡每一為我都很重視,互相體諒吧…,問問自已,你累的時候會有怎樣的心情?整個劇組都是用健 康、犧牲睡眠在趕戲,如果我在現場還不斷跟大家聊天,那辛苦的大家會是怎麼想的?」他甚至嚴厲地表示:「小朋友們應該也要長大懂事,讓我完完全全專心的作 好詹士德。」
【2008/04/20 聯合晩報】
Too into filming, Arron feels upset for being misunderstood
Arron who has always been in good rapport with fans, while busy filming [MIT], a few days a go he has left on his blog: [I cannot put my focus on all of you, I thought you were all very intelligent and understanding..., I believe I have never changed my attitude, won't there be times where I would feel tired?] From his blog, it's clear that even with his gentle personality, he could not bare the impulse of writing down the helplessness that he feels from fans as he reveals that fans cannot understand why he was acting so cold during filming.
Currently filming for [MIT], Arron plays [Zhan Shi De], who's personality is calm and quiet, in order to be completely into character, whenever it's time to film, Arron would almost completely slip into a cold mood for the whole day, for the past few months, he has made himself become [Zhan Shi De], perhaps it was due to the contrast between Arron's usual attitude towards fans, yesterday fans complain that Arron was ignoring them, showing a bad attitude, not talking to them, even showing contempt facial expressions, fans thought that Arron has [changed].
Perhaps the fans' words were hurtful, Arron impulsively wrote on his Wretch blog: [Heard some things, very shocked, and very upset, I've already communicated with many of you, never would have thought you people would interpret me like that..., ask yourself, when you are tired, how is your mood like? The entire film crew is using their health, sacrificing their sleeps to rush to finish filming, if I talk continuously to everyone on set, then how would all the people who has put in all the effort think?] He even seriously states: [Little kids should also grow up and become understanding, and let me completely devote myself into the role of Zhan Shi De.]
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