Apr.22.08 Jiro cares for looks, use frying wok as mirror

大東炒飯愛美 鍋鏟當鏡子

沒事就摸髮 女人嘆不如

才 從日本返台,大東得了腸胃炎,發高燒、拉肚子,上吐下瀉病了2天,但愛美程度少不了,和他對戲的卓文萱爆料,大東超愛美,梳化妝時間是她的2倍,也是黑澀 會美眉小薰的4倍,拍戲空檔,大東會鍋鏟當鏡子,沒事就撥髮、對著鍋鏟擠眉弄眼,坐上重型機車,還會後照鏡摸髮整理儀容,即使天黑黑,也要戴墨鏡耍帥,愛 美程度,連女人也自嘆不如。


全身香噴噴 卓文萱愛聞

不 僅重視儀容,大東也重視體味,身上總是香噴噴,因為合拍八大偶像劇「翻滾吧!蛋炒飯」,卓文萱演盲女,常與大東肢體接觸,但她只對大東的「體味」感興趣, 毎次坐在大東重型機車後座,摟著他的腰,卓文萱即敏感聞到:「你又換香水了喔?這次是xx牌淡藍色的,對不對?」大東則開心地説:「對啊!妳知道?」提到 香水,2人竟像找到共通話題,滔滔不絶聊個沒完。

2008/4/22 自由時報

Jiro vain while frying rice, use wok as mirror
22nd April 2008

“DaDong” Jiro Wang narcissistic by nature, values the 3000 hairs on his head greatly, everyday he touches his hair at least 200 times, uses wok as mirror, when riding a motorbike he must adjust his appearance using the rear-view mirror, narcissistic degree causes one to spray rice!

Touching hair for no reason, girls say no need
Just returned to Taiwan from Japan, Jiro has come down with gastroenteritis, fever, stomach ache, vomit and diarrhoea for 2 days, but his narcissistic degree is unavoidable, Genie Zhuo who acted with him revealed, Jiro is very vain, makeup time is twice as long as hers and also four times as long as HSHMM Xiao Xun, when not filming, Jiro will use wok as mirror, fix his hair for no reason, make faces towards the wok, when sitting on the motorbike, will also adjust his appearance, even when it’s dark, he wears sunglasses to be shuai, narcissistic degree, even girls say they don’t have.

Jiro values his 3000 strands of hair greatly, must touch at least 200 times, each day he must use two bottles of hairspray, “Rolling Love” filming in Taipei San Zhi, very windy by the ocean, the cast members surveyed the wind direction, when Jiro measured he measured the least accurate, a few cast members stood by the ocean, Genie’s hair had already been blown so she looked like a crazy woman, only Jiro’s hair did not move at all.

Whole body very fragrant, Genie likes to smell
Not only caring about appearance, Jiro also cares about how he smells, his body is always very fragrant, because they were filming “Rolling Love” together, Genie acts as a blind girl, therefore always in close contact with Jiro, but she is only interested in how he smells, every time she sits in Jiro’s motorbike passenger seat, holding onto his waist, Genie’s sense of smell is very sensitive, “You changed perfume again? This time is xxbrand light blue right?” Jiro will put on a smile and say, “Yes! You know?” When it comes to perfume, the two can talk nonstop on the topic.

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